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 We run 16 different projects all over the Fylde Coast and have our hub open to the community every day of every week. 

We aim to provide positive activities which are affordable or no cost to families.

We reach out to the disadvantaged, creating a safe haven for young people and families to experience and nurture them in such activities .We aim to build positive friendships and belonging to the Streetwise family.


creating community


As technology creates a more disconnected 'face to face' society. Streetwise aims to rebuild communities and lost community values. We unify a diversity of people and embrace different, age, gender, class, sexuality, ability etc. and are the nuclues for postive community interaction.

creating and nurturing skills

Through our work People discover their talents and skills, and find that there’s no limit to what they can achieve. Every single project is focused on developing imperative life skills such eg. resilience and confidence. We also want to help people chose positive pathways and relationships. In addition teach people healthy coping and healing techniques to support their mental health.

creating happy memories 

Different generations can reflect on the happy memories which they experienced through the positive activities, experiences and relationship streetwise provided.

Thousands of Lives have been impacted be our provision. We have been mainly self funded for the past 20 years and are now looking for additional support to keep this legacy and impact alive. Can you help us? 

Creating brighter futures 

Streetwise' work helps to Provide positive pathways and opportunity.The stimulus for many of our projects is to broaden young peoples horizons. We want people to know they don't have to fall into negative cycles or choose harmful paths they could be influneced to chose.

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